Meta said it recently worked with research firm Graphika to take down romance scams ... Sign up for NBC Connecticut's News Headlines newsletter. In addition to taking down scam networks, Meta ...
She was heartbroken when she finally realized that it was all a con and followed the patterns of other romance scammers looking to take advantage of vulnerable singles looking for love ultimately ...
As romance scams are on the rise, a bipartisan group of lawmakers is introducing new legislation aimed at holding accountable those who seek to defraud retirees and steal their hard-earned savings.
HOUSTON — As Valentine's Day fills social media feeds with messages of love, it also marks a peak season for romance scams, with fraudsters preying on both hearts and wallets. The Better ...
Meta said it recently worked with research firm Graphika to take down romance scams in three common categories ... should also be treated with skepticism. Popular CT farm makes ‘history ...