Promotes Healthy Skin - This Fish Oil contains omega 3 for cats and dogs (EPA and DHA) to support the moisture content and health of skin for canine and feline pets of any age, breed, or size.
Fish oil supplementation shows promise in protecting against Alzheimer's for those with specific genetic risks, offering hope for better brain health.
Then in the May 1999 Archives of General Psychiatry, Andrew Stoll, MD, and colleagues reported a study of fish oil in 30 manic-depressive patients. Sixty-four percent of those who took 10 grams of ...
People are snapping up more fish-oil supplements than ever. They're taking them to treat a long list of ailments: menstrual cramps, heart disease, asthma, bipolar disorder, high blood pressure ...
According to Future Market Insights, Inc., the global omega-3 pet supplement market value is estimated to total USD 1,280.7 ...