In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin claimed that his power had doubled since the last time he fought Count Dooku, but this was ...
It’s been revealed that Star Wars Rebelsrepeated a decision that Star Wars: The Clone Wars made, and it might’ve been the ...
Star Wars creator George Lucas had the perfect logic for including one character in The Clone Wars who emerged as a ...
LucasArts gave them a title, but no story direction. The studio thought of creating a game that would tell the story of Darth ...
Get this posable and playable 599-piece model perfect for Star Wars fans ages 9 and up from Amazon while it's 28% off.
The latest treatment of Brazilian designer Pedro Buzetti's acclaimed Padawan would not look out of place on Anakin ...
Favreau? Filoni? Feige? Here's what insiders are saying about who will — and should — become Disney's new 'Star Wars' emperor ...
Watching the Star Wars movies in release order lets you experience ... This film sees Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi discover a slave boy on Tatooine called Anakin Skywalker ...
Awkward, stilted, and sometimes cringe dialogue are regular criticisms for the Prequel Trilogy's second installment, but is ...