As Hollywood studios, actors, and writers wrangle over the use of AI in films, a major new release has fully embraced it.
Christopher Nolan continues to innovate as a filmmaker. On his next movie, the Oscar winner will shoot with all-new IMAX ...
Projector company Barco has announced that from 15 November five theatres in the USA will present the upcoming movie Red One, ...
Blumhouse partnered with Facebook-owner Meta last month to get three filmmakers to test out the tech giant’s new AI tool Meta ...
Based on the 2014 graphic novel, Here is filmed from a single camera position across time, from when dinosaurs roamed the ...
the movie’s cast includes Kian Lawson-Khalili, Swedish actress Johanna Smitz, and newcomer Noëlle Gutierrez. Asking the question of what would happen if the technology you trust became your ...