The Terminator is the groundbreaking film from 1984 that kicked off a cinematic saga still going strong today. It immortalized the age-old fear of technology surpassing, replacing, and dominating ...
So much of his directorial debut (we'll gloss over his part in "Piranha II: The Spawning") just worked, but for Cameron, without Linda Hamilton's Sarah ... Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) and Sarah ...
When John Connor, leader of the human resistance, sends Sgt. Kyle Reese back to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor and safeguard the future, an unexpected turn of events creates a fractured time-line.
Perhaps Connor's story is still fresh enough in MacDonald's memory for him to come back, even if just for an episode or two like Rachel DiPillo did as Sarah Reese? Laura turned a lifelong love of ...