Jimmy Carr, known for making controversial jokes, commented on how it 'feels like you can do whatever you want now' when it ...
COMEDIAN Jimmy Carr kicked a drunk heckler out of his rowdy Birmingham stand-up gig, according to reports. The 52-year-old ...
Comedian Jimmy Carr has been forced to eject a drunk heckler from his ... "You can either get up and leave, go away and come ...
The comedian has said he gets the treatments - including new teeth, a hair transplant and botox - so he can stay looking the ...
Jimmy Carr firmly put a heckler in their place ... You can either get up and leave, go away and come back and see me again, ...
Jimmy Carr has admitted that he can't stop getting 'tweakments' and has gone 'a bit crazy with it' - after displaying his drastically altered appearance earlier this year. The comedian, 52, has ...
Jimmy Carr had a nuisance heckler ejected from his ... You can either get up and leave, go away and come back and see me again, or you can sit there, refuse to go and I'll get security'." ...
However, the enhancements don’t appear to come from a fear of ageing. “I think I didn’t really suit being young,” he said. “And most comics do their best work in their 50s.” ...
JImmy Carr booted a heckler out of his show on Sunday ... You can either get up and leave, go away and come back and see me again, or you can sit there, refuse to go and I’ll get security”.’ ...