"The best way to think of Depop is like an Instagram for selling your clothes," Kara said. As a 'reseller', Kara curates ...
When I graduated in June 2018, I didn't stop selling. In October 2018, I also started a Depop account because the app was becoming popular. I would take photos of old clothes in my room and post ...
When the time comes, here are Kol's secrets to a unique brand and listings that sell like hotcakes. Mimick Instagram influencers with 'intimate consumerism' Kol decided to use Depop in an ...
In a six-second video posted to TikTok, user Lizzie (@_lizzieemrickk) shows that her recent Depop order came shipped in a ...
“How do you have the audacity to take a Forever 21 article of clothing and sell it for $298? Absolutely freaking insane.” She ...
A fish and chip shop worker quit her job to resell vintage clothing - and now makes over £2,000-a-month. Chloe Francis, 24, has always loved second-hand clothes and remembers digging around car boot ...
Depop is a popular online secondhand clothing and accessories marketplace. The Depop Student Ambassador Program started at ...