Greater Sage-Grouse Mating Call Mesmerizes It's mating season for the Greater sage-grouse. Birders, scientists and voyeurs alike, gather across the western U.S. to watch the colorful affair.
These areas were likely either logged or burned, creating the perfect successional growth for grouse to call home. Along with the forest ... habitats are and give you an in-depth overview of the ...
Every spring, male sage grouse gather to strut their stuff in riveting mating rituals. Punctuating their displays with swishing, hooting and popping sounds, males bob their heads, fan their tail ...
Labour has called for a review of grouse shooting, saying it damages important natural habitats. The four-month grouse shooting season begins on Monday - the Glorious Twelfth - and sees shooters ...
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) - The grouse and partridge hunting seasons open September 14. The North Dakota Game and Fish (NDGF) Department’s late summer brood counts for grouse and partridge provide ...