To state this rather obvious fact doesn’t make one a “truther.” It does not in any way imply that George W. Bush or any other American politician was complicit in the attacks or didn’t do ...
After all, George W. Bush left office with an approval rating hovering in the low 30s, and his grandest project was the gigantic catastrophe of the Iraq War, which we're still dealing with and ...
Trump’s newly ousted chief strategist says he has ‘total and complete contempt’ for the members of George W. Bush’s foreign-policy team. They deserve better. How quickly some of us forget.
To avoid combat in Vietnam, George W. Bush joined the 147th Texas Air National Guard, along with other sons of wealthy and well-connected Texans. "In his heart of hearts he did not want to go to ...
Former President George W. Bush congratulated President-elect Donald Trump in a statement. “The strong turnout in this ...
George W. Bush is an American politician. He served as the 43rd president of the United States and was sworn into office in 2001. Bush was re-elected president in 2004 and inaugurated for a second ...