Dr. Jamey Harrison steps into the executive director chair of the UIL as the organization enters the most uncertain time in ...
Concern for public school funding continues to be at the forefront of the school voucher debate up in Austin. Now, public ...
“School choice will NOT take away funding from Texas high school football. Period ... The cost of Arizona’s school voucher program, touted as an opportunity for children with disabilities ...
In his latest effort to sell Texans on school vouchers, Gov. Greg Abbott is assuring them that "school choice" won't defund the state's damn-near-sacred high school football programs. However ...
The suggestion that Abbott's proposed private school voucher-style program could affect high school football may cause widespread alarm, though the governor insists there is nothing to worry about.
“The Senate version of this voucher bill and the House version of ... “And it’s not just to our football teams. It’s going to be in career and technology courses. It’s going to be ...
Texas House lawmakers filed a sweep of education-related legislation Thursday including a school voucher proposal and a funding bill that would invest $8 billion in public education. The bills are ...