Some convincing Back the the Future Part II featurettes convinced many fans that hoverboards were a real advancement in ...
In the popular consciousness, disc-shaped UFOs immediately bring space aliens to mind. In reality, though, several countries ...
Nothing like a flying disk 18 feet in diameter going over ... The ground effect is well understood by anyone who has seen a hovercraft working. The Conada effect is a little more obscure.
Movie fans and tech geeks alike have long shared a common dream: a chance to ride on Marty McFly's hoverboard, just like in Back to the Future Part II. When the date portrayed in the movie ...
Jet-powered suits that allow the wearer to hop between boats moving at 20 knots and flying hoverboards are just the start of it. The Russian military is developing motorized body armor that looks ...
While not quite as sophisticated as the flying hoverboards in the 1980s film Back to the Future, smart self-balancing scooters are still a lot of fun. Azzita Hoverland in Kwun Tong offers an ...