A fire broke out in a paper warehouse in Tamil Nadu's Chennai on Sunday. The incident took place in the Tiruvottiyur area of ...
A Tamil Nadu man set himself on fire before the RK Nagar police station on Monday, January 20, after the police allegedly ...
Six people are still believed to be trapped in the blaze At least nine trekkers have died in a forest fire in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, officials say. Authorities say they have ...
At least six people, including a boy, were killed in a fire at a private hospital in Tamil Nadu's Dindigul on Thursday night. The incident took place at around 8pm at City Hospital on Trichy Road.
A fire occurred in the administrative wing of the Government Medical College and Hospital in Tamil Nadu's Ramanathapuram on Wednesday. No lives were lost, and the fire was attributed to an electrical ...
A fire broke out in a paper warehouse in Tamil Nadu's Chennai on Sunday. The incident took place in the Tiruvottiyur area of ...