By undoing a Biden-era wage rule, Trump has made it possible for workers under federal contracts to see their pay rates go ...
President Donald Trump has rescinded an executive order issued by his Democratic predecessor, Joe Biden, that required ...
Federal contractor employers are no longer subject to special federal minimum wage rates for work performed on or in ...
President Trump issued a new Executive Order titled “Additional Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions.” In this order, ...
President Donald Trump rescinded an executive order from Joe Biden that required federal contractors to pay a minimum wage of ...
Businesses would be able to pay workers involved in, say, apprenticeships less than minimum wage under a bill that cleared a ...
Many in Portland’s business community are rallying against the proposal, arguing that it will give larger corporations an ...
SB 676 would allow people applying for certain jobs to check a box saying they'd take less than minimum wage. Critics say ...
Most contractors will now have to pay $7.25/hour or state minimums Contractors employ about 20% of U.S. workers Biden order was upheld in court March 17 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has ...