A number of activities are specifically prohibited as independent study work. Included here are such activities as internships, volunteer or paid work in a university department, volunteer work of ...
although the process has been slow in many districts and independent study does not necessarily include extra services like speech therapy. “While disappointed by the judge’s ruling Thursday, ...
Students have the freedom to undertake an independent study project during their second or third years. This project must be supervised by a faculty member and approved by Academic Services. Students ...
Independent study is graded, 1 or 3 credit semester-long project on a topic area chosen by a student in conjunction with a faculty advisor in the Department. It may comprise a research project or a ...
With an independent study course, the History Department offers students the opportunity to work under the direction of a faculty member to pursue a topic that is not covered (or not covered in ...
which may be in the form of independent or advanced independent study or an honors research project. Intermediate or advanced independent study provide opportunities to undertake a research experience ...
Independent Study in philosophy is designed to enable a student to pursue a subject matter that is not adequately covered in our regular course offerings. Moreover, this course provides students with ...
You are not limited to this list, and are welcome to find other programs. The programs listed below are considered Independent Study Abroad programs. This means that you would be studying abroad on a ...