Clone Robotics, a Polish-American company, has recently unveiled its groundbreaking humanoid robot, Protoclone, sparking both fascination and unease across the internet. This eerily lifelike ...
None of which is true about his creepy animatronic counterpart Home Depot ... it freaked out Will Ferrell himself when he met his evil robot replica. Will Ferrell stopped by the TODAY show to ...
And by that, we mean Google just sold off Boston Dynamics — the company that designs and engineers all those creepy-looking, terrifyingly capable robots. After putting it up for sale in 2016 ...
Animatronics for movies is often about making ... More recently we saw Gawkerbot, which uses a CD-ROM drive to provide motion for a creepy robot’s eyes.
The animatronic band that breaks out in song at Chuck E. Cheese locations around the US has been described as everything from “endearing” and “nostalgia-inducing” to “slightly creepy ...
Still, there are animatronics out there that make a good go at the job, of which this somewhat creepy mechanical mouth is a fine example. Why exactly [Will Cogley] felt the need to build a ...