The adult animated show has a star-studded cast to look forward to, including the likes of Keanu Reeves. The John Wick actor is all set to feature in the Armored Core episode of the series.
In fact, you’ll still encounter plenty of cinephiles who may say they like Reeves and many of his movies yet will still tar him with the “bad actor” brush. Is this true, though? Is Reeves actually a ...
A few other actors not named Keanu Reeves get shout-outs throughout the film, such as Tom Cruise. However, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has a secret obsession with a different actor. This could be more ...
A Rolex stolen from John Wick star Keanu Reeves has been found in Chile ... The watch, which is believed to have been taken from the Hollywood actor in Los Angeles in December 2023, was discovered ...