Chanting close chantRepeating religious phrases or quotations from sacred texts. is used as preparation for meditation or as part of meditation itself. Buddhists chant alone or together.
Over five hundred monks from 12 different countries have gathered in Nepal's Lumbini for fourth edition of the International ...
Bloom says he discovered Buddhism when he was working with an artist on painting and drawing when he was 16. Ahead of his school exams, he heard his mentor chanting “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.” ...
Another benefit of belting out a tune? It can improve your neurochemistry. Singing to music you enjoy with others boosts two ...
While chanting Prajnaparamitahrdaya ... Yoshihara said Prajnaparamitahrdaya illustrates the important Buddhist concept of sunyata (emptiness) and is typically performed at funerals and other ...
Crying is said to be the most frequently attested reaction to plainsong In fact, crying is said to be the most frequently attested reaction to plainsong and it’s common in Buddhist chanting too.
At more than 85,000 sites around China people worship Buddha, chant scriptures, pray, preach, read the mass, conduct baptisms, are welcomed into the ministry, and observe Ramadan or other ...
The four-day event, aimed at promoting peace and brotherhood, started with a colourful procession and the lighting of a lamp.