It was, at any rate, a wonderful place for the British, and then the Americans ... On July 2, Britain's Eighth Army, driven and harried by Rommel's Armored Army of Africa, had reached El Alamein.
Digging deeply into newly available documents and recent research, Colvin argues, convincingly, that the Eighth Army’s generally poor performance during the first eighteen months of the Desert War was ...
Montgomery, commonly referred to as "Monty," initially earned distinction during World War II due to his highly effective leadership of the British Eighth Army in North Africa. There, Montgomery ...
Players: Allies: General Bernard Montgomery's 8th Army's 50th and 1st ... Two years after the first clash between British and Italian forces in Egypt, North Africa had been liberated from the ...
Field-Marshal Bernard Montgomery - 'Monty' - led the British 8th Army in North Africa against German forces led by Erwin Rommel. The decisive battle of the desert campaign was at El Alamein.