called EPS (i.e., extracellular polymeric substances) (Figure 1). The biofilm is an adaptation for stabilizing the local environment of bacteria against stresses that is flexible and can be easily ...
Almost all living things breathe oxygen to eliminate the excess electrons produced when nutrients are converted into energy.
You will be redirected to our submission process. Background: Bacterial extracellular vesicles (EVs) play significant roles in intercellular communication, pathogenesis, and immune modulation. These ...
Using the improved technique, McCurry found that certain glucocorticoids are more abundant in human bile than others. The ...
Interestingly, once formed by the biofilm bacteria, the EPS leads a life on their own, independent of their producers. By ...
With this bidirectional bacterial EET, bacteria can exchange electrons with extracellular electron acceptors/donors by employing sophisticated EET pathways. More recently, it was found that bacteria ...
One of the remarkable features of biofilms, shared with eukaryotic tissues, is that bacteria embed themselves in the self-secreted extracellular polymeric matrix which holds the cells together ...
Researchers currently use extracts from the basement membrane, a specific type of extracellular matrix ... turned to an unexpected alternative: a bacterial protein. Specifically, they focused ...
Researchers isolated a strain of Pseudomonas alcaligenes that can withstand temperatures as high as 44 °C from a hot spring ...
Localized within the EPS matrix (see figure inset) are extracellular enzymes (e-Enzymes ... against degradation with the biofilm. Finally, bacteria release signal molecules for a process of ...