Having recognized the importance of protecting companion animals, 41 states now have pet protection order laws (see map below ... advocates are aware these protections exist and know how to use them.
For wild animals, survival hinges on sensory abilities vastly different from those of humans. By placing trackers on animals around the world, we're discovering what they know and what it can teach us ...
Often this protection has taken the form of active ... Christiansen, S. B. Ethics of Animal Use. Oxford UK: Blackwell, 2008. Singer, P. Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for our Treatment of Animals.
Some rely on networks of foster care homes or are allowed to use the additional kennel space ... s location is highly guarded in order to protect pets and family members. Refer the DV survivor to the ...
WASHINGTON— The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today released its Vulnerable ... This is just a really reasonable plan to ensure that pesticide use doesn’t drive these plants and animals extinct ...
Indian Railways has introduced an innovative AI-driven measure to protect elephants and other wildlife animals from being hit by running trains.This ...