Does your life lack "main character energy?" Do you sometimes feel like an extra in an absurdist play? Then, maybe you can relate to William Shakespeare's Hamlet, a prince driven to prolonged inaction ...
Theatre has an incredible ability to make us think, feel, and sometimes even change the way we see the world. Some plays ...
After seven weeks of intense rehearsals, students at El Paso Community College are set to take the stage in a new production at the college theater.The play, " ...
Killing Time puts an amusing twist on existentialism. I was drawn to this play because I am intrigued by absurdist theatre pieces and although this play isn’t distinctly absurdist, it provides an ...
The Phoenix Theatre’s depiction of 'The Killing Game' did not do the play's absurdist elements any favours. In fact, it ...
Gonzalez, a piece of absurdist theater playing through Feb. 22 at Illinois State University’s Westhoff Theatre. Gonzalez explores the satirical premise of “what if?” In particular ...