A half dozen three- and fouryear- olds wave “adios!” to their moms and younger siblings, then pile into the little bus, “el Busesito,” parked on a street corner in Frankford. Inside the 24-foot van, ...
In February, ValleyCentral held its Classroom Cribs poll and asked viewers to vote for their favorite school. With five ...
Four and five-year-olds at the Tulsa Public Schools Early Childhood Program learned all about veterinarians on Friday.
School of St. Philip in Litchfield is starting a new pre-school class this fall, though principal Diana McCarney prefers to call it pre-kindergarten. That’s because this pre-school will feel a ...
Currently, Scarborough serves one, 16-student pre-K class through a grant-funded partnership with Shooting Stars Preschool. Shooting Stars hosts the classes at their location while Blue Point ...