His death on the cross would pay the penalty for the sin of the world. His burial and resurrection prove this sacrifice was ...
More than 100 community members were served Saturday by a food giveaway held by the Church of the Resurrection in Dubuque.
Manuela Cacciamani, CEO of Rome’s historic Cinecittà Studios, has said Mel Gibson plans to begin production on The ...
The “Malcolm in the Middle” revival is bringing back some familiar faces and a few new ones — and making one major casting ...
Resurrection' Adds Another Fan-Favorite Villain We don't have a specific premiere date yet for "Dexter: Resurrection, but we ...
Easter is celebrated in the springtime for what seems an obvious reason, as dormant plants are beginning to awaken and the ...
Quantum Karma #1, where Mitch Shelley's power to resurrect with new abilities leads him on a time-traveling quest to save the ...
The Resurrection of the Christ” — is set to begin production in Italy this August, according to Manuela Cacciamani, CEO of ...
American artist Robert Zehnder is making a return to C L E A R I N G for Resurrection, his latest solo exhibition, now on ...
Dexter Resurrection could be a more interesting show by taking a controversial lesson from the original series.
The Dexter universe continues to grow — but what is there to know about Dexter: Resurrection and how it paves the way for the infamous fictional serial killer’s return? Michael C. Hall ...
Here I was, thinking the casting directors behind the upcoming spinoff Dexter: Resurrection had already gone the furthest they possibly could to get me ecstatic about the upcoming spinoff.