Men’s mutant population possesses some mutant abilities so inconceivably powerful that they must be distinguished from the ...
The X-Men are undeniably powerful, but some gifts are stronger than others. "Omega" hasn't always had a clear definition, but ...
But with those current events and the new details revealed in the current X-Men run, what is an Omega-level mutant exactly? What distinguishes them from the other mutants we see running around the 616 ...
The MCU is reportedly adding a powerful alien race tied to an Omega-level mutant — one we’d love to see Henry Cavill play.
Alongside the main story by writers Colin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing and artist CF Villa, Giant-Size Age of Apocalypse #1 will include a "Revelations" backup story by writer Jeph Loeb, one of the main ...
Similar to Maggot, Storm died while fighting the ancient spirit Eegun since Storm broke their pact that she wouldn’t use her mutant powers for seven days. As Storm starts to pass into the ...
Surprisingly, Professor X loses a telepathic battle of wits in X-Men #13, the latest chapter of the X-Manhunt event.
Speaking of powers, Jean Grey continues to help us build up the X-Mansion, and it helps that she is an Omega Level Mutant. An Omega-Level Mutant is the highest classification of mutant power in ...
Marvel celebrates the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking Giant-Size X-Men #1 with a series of Giant-Size one-shots that revisit key mutant milestones...including The Dark Phoenix Saga!
Credit: Marvel Comics "Locked in a battle through time against the Omega-Level mutant Legion, Kamala Khan is the only one standing in the way of X-Men history being warped forever! Following GIANT ...